Numa entrevista para o Gamespot, Peter Molyneux garantiu que Fable 3 vai fazer o jogador sentir-se poderoso.
- "Fable 3: it's all about power man, (é tudo sobre o poder do homem)" afirmou o game designer da Lionhead. "I think we realised is that when you come to something like Fable, you want to surprise people absolutely and that's the one word; we want you to feel powerful (Achamos que, quando virem algo como Fable, que causará grande surpresa, e isto se resume uma palavra: queremos que se sinta poderoso ."
- "What I can say categorically is you play Fable with a controller, it's not a Natal-based game in any way. But I'm not saying that Natal doesn't feature in Fable."
- "Look at the scren! It's completely clean," disse, na apresentação do jogo. "Why do we need the fucking health bar?"
Fable III / Fable 3
Platform: Microsoft Xbox 360 Players:: N/A Xbox Live Enabled: N/A Developer: Lionhead Studios Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Genre: RPG Release Date: late 2010